Bandage or pressure sores: How to prevent and treat
And ESSENTIALS to know before Christmas: “how to stich the turkey”
When we treat wounds, we use bandages. Bandages have many advantages for wounds: they give us the opportunity to actively influence healing by the right choice of dressing or topical product, they increase the local temperature so the biological processes in the wound, they limit edema in and around the wound, they limit motion of the wounded area, they protect the wound from bacteria, dirt, licking or biting and they reduce the incidence of surgical site infections. So in fact we would like to bandage every wound. However……
Bandages and/or the wrong choice of dressing/product can also have detrimental effect on the wound or the skin under the bandage. Regularly we encounter problems in other areas than the wound which are caused by bandages. These problems vary from skin irritation to full thickness sores. It is important to know how these sores develop, how they can be prevented, and if they develop how we should treat them. We discuss the issue both in equine and small animal patients.
New is the section: “members wish” which will include questions or subjects suggested by members. We will discuss the subjects that are interesting for most participants. If this section is successful, we will repeat this regularly in the future.
In the news hour we will discuss with you recent interesting papers related to wound management.
Ánd last but not least we need to prepare for Christmas and therefore we will present to you the Christmas Essentials about “How to stich the turkey”.
The webinar is free for members of the VWHA. Please send an email to if you like to join. You will receive the link for joining the webinar at December 8th. Other interested persons can join the webinar for a symbolic fee of €10,-. If you decide to become VWHA member after this webinar, this fee will be refunded.
Registration will close at December 14th midnight.
We hope to meet you December 15th.
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